Medical Illustrations

Again I created a bunch of illustrations for the doctors at the General Hospital in Vienna (AKH – allgemeines Krankenhaus). I will only show two of them here for now, as they aren’t published yet in their designated papers.

What can I say? I love learning about anatomy and what doctors can achieve. How you stitch together something that was cut, so it will be perfectly right again… delicate work. Thank you for your service and dedication dear doctors and medical personel, and thank you for the honor of letting me illustrate these images.

Yes, I am totally open to more medical illustrations and other :)


UPDATE 09/2020: Hier

Finally the article is out! / Der wissenschaftliche Artikel ist erschienen im September UND featured Article mit meinen Illustrationen!

“The following is a collection of featured thoracic articles from the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (JTCVS). To read the latest issue, or browse the feature video library and other journal highlights, please visit”  (September 9, 2020 via AATS Journals Alert)

Article published:February 18, 2020

LINK zum aktuellen Artikel: hier.