All undone

I am listening
To the voices
From times past
Things done
Now all undone
I am listening
To the voices
Of inconsequence
And procrastination
A substitute for fear
I am watching
The clouds tick by
And the time
Around me
I am practicing
And holding space
For the seconds
Wasted to inertia
Wake up
The world is tilting
My lungs are burning
In synchronicity
With earthwide greenery
I am tilting
My head and praying
Through the pain
Of burning lungs
And collective ignorance
Wake up, sleepy heart
It’s time to overthrow
And find your voice
And wield your power:
Our world is burning.
©myripa 17.9.2019
Planet wide the forests are burning, the lungs of the earth – and my lungs are burning even though I am smack in the comfortable middle: I am sitting in Europe, Austria, surrounded by fires on continents all around me. Here, a little I mportugal, last year Sweden’s firsts where burning to everyone’s surprise and shock (there is a lot of water in Sweden) .
But not this devastating as happens today in amazon, Siberia, on the African Continent.
I go about my day and wonder what else to do to help. I am vegan-ish for about 20+ years, use moon up for 14 years, acoid plastics, huy organic and local where possible, no car, hardly ever fly,…
I see most other people go about business as usual, though yes, a lot is happening.
People and shops and companies do as they did before the world was burning, as if it doesn’t threaten directly our life as we know it. My friend still brings her daughter to school school, a teenager still wonders what job to learn, my neighbor nurses another cold and my friends wonder what keeps us healthy when we are so so tired.
Because it’s so far away. Right?
We poisoned all our water, air and food. We kill the soil, the diversity, animals and plant and insects. Bees are only one prominent example but never forget that about 80%of insect population is estimated to be extinct (by human activity).
Unless we live under a concrete slab and immerse only in pornhub and World of War raft, we might have some awareness of the state of the world (fyi: critical).
On all levels there is a sickness spreading, and nothing is free of that. To stay healthy and vital in this human world is a challenge in itself.
We poison without pause and still ignore the consequence of
It is scary sometimes, isn’t it ?
We are dunked in fear like a donut in chocolate. But there is one universal truth we do well to remember and repeat until it is in our blood:
Your energy goes where attention goes.
Your energy is what makes the world go round, and you have the power to control your attention and focus. Everything is energy, no exception. What you feed will grow. Feed the good stuff then, the dreams, ideas, the utopian visions. Imagine beauty and you will see beauty.
We need to find it in us to feed our energy in personal choices, believes and imaginations that nurture us. Despite of and because of the devastating ‘reality’ we are immersed in every minute.

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